Acquire the Land
The first and biggest step in planning and building any park is acquiring the land. Fortunately, we have been working on the details of this for many months. The land we hope to use is already earmarked as park space in Vacaville's evolving General Plan.

Engage the Community
This park is of, by and for the community, and simply cannot be built without the vision, creativity and effort of those in our community. It will take a talented and diverse group of committed people to make this dream a reality.

Plan the Details
We have an ambitious plan, with many details drawn out. But these are just ideas right now - we will incorporate input from all of our stakeholders to make sure the Play 4 All Park in Vacaville serves us well now and long into the future

Raise the Funds
Building even a basic park isn't cheap, and building something this wonderful can only be done through the generosity of hundreds of individuals and company sponsors who share this dream.

Build the Park
We expect this park to be built in phases, so it can be put to use as soon as it is safe and practical to do so. Enjoying the park in its early stages will also serve to build enthusiasm and commitment to finishing the remaining phases.
Maintain the Park
No matter how well-designed and well-built a park might be, it will only serve the community if it is also well-maintained. Play 4 All Park in Vacaville will be designed to minimize maintenance expenses while maximizing enjoyment by the public.