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Build our Park...One Brick at a Time!
Personalize your bricks with:
Your name
Your company
A beloved pet
An inspirational message
A memorial
Dedications to family members
One or more logos/symbols
"Leave your mark on Play 4 All Park" with a commemorative brick that you design yourself! Pre-order today to reserve your place in history!
$100 - 4" X 8" brick with 2 lines of text
$200 - 8" X 8" brick with 5 lines of text
$15 - Add one of many special "logo" symbols
(samples below - dozens more available)

Check out our sale on Bricks:
$75 for the 4" x 8" brick
$150 for the 8" x 8" brick

FIRST - Go to our Online Store and pre-pay for your order.
Save your Order Number and Order Total! That's easy - it's on your receipt, which we email.
Click here to look up additional symbols by category and name.
THEN - Follow the links in our Store to place your detailed order.
If you missed the link to enter your order details, click here.
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